Common FAQs
Your General questions answeredOUR FAQ’s
The Tenantsure Team thought it would be helpful to answer some of the more common questions we are asked on a regular basis.
It is important to remember that not all situations are the same. The answers provided below are generic and may not be relevant to your particular scenario or problem.
Feel Free to contact us directly with any questions regarding our Tenant Eviction solutions and supporting services.
How quickly can I start the eviction process?
The first step process – A Tenant Letter of Intended Action is normally sent within 24 hours to guarantee maximum impact.
How long does it take to evict a Private Tenant?
This can take anything from days to months unfortunately. It depends on how difficult the Tenant in question is being.
Most Tenants will remedy the situation of rent arrears etc if you have sent a Notice of Intended Action but if it has progressed to the serving of a Section 8/21 notice, then it is usually 4-8 weeks.
It is worth sending your Letter of Intended Action?
The answer is absolutely Yes. This is the cheapest solution to resolving a situation where rent is not being paid. It lets the Tenant know you are serious about resolving the problem.
Can you help with the recovery of Rent arrears?
No we are not a debt collection agency however we highly recommend Frontline Collections for the Collection of Unpaid Rent Arrears.
They will only act where there is a reasonable prospect of recovery.
It is the same for the recovery of unpaid commercial rent arrears. Federal Management are a proven option to achieve a successful outcome.
Can you help with evictions in Scotland?
We can send a Notice of Intended Action on your behalf but we proceed further than that. Our Tenant Eviction services are purposed for England and Wales.
Cases actioned within 24 hours
Amount of Effort
Respond to Notice before Action