With increasing Tenant evictions, this article looks at the most common reasons for evicting a tenant. A relationship between tenants and landlords can be great but sometimes can be a rocky path. Tenants can be seen as intentionally or unintentionally cause problems for their landlord and can be reasoning for landlords to evict them from the property.

Landlords have to be very cautious in their approach to eviction and adhere to tenant eviction procedures and law. In this article I am going to look over some of the general reasons as to why a tenant can be evicted from a rental property:

Rent Payments not being met

One of the biggest reasons for landlords evicting tenants is due to missed or non-payment of rent. Eviction procedures can be considered as early as one month if they have failed to make payment. Tenant will normally find it quite difficult to make large lump sum payments of two or more months missed rent including the current month. To avoid the stress of having missed payments, action can be taken straightaway to prevent further failed rent. Evicting a tenant isn’t a straight forward process and can take quite some time to gain a result. It is imperative after failed non-payment to seek advice and help to ensure you do not lose more rent. Quite often Landlords turn to Debt Collection Agencies to recover unpaid rent arrears.

Deliberate or non-deliberate damage to property

Tenants who deliberately or non-deliberately damage your property and cause significant damage may be the reason you wish to pursue eviction of the tenant. You will need to ensure as a landlord that the damage caused is beyond the realms of general wear and tear. Chips or minor rips to paint and wallpaper will be considered as general wear and tear wear. Holes to the property walls however caused by the tenant of the property, must be classed as negligent. If the tenant is prepared to rectify any damages you flag, this can avoid any action on eviction. If the tenant refuses to rectify, this is grounds for eviction procedures.

Anti-social behaviour

There are some tenants who do not get on well within the communities they live in and cause anti-social behaviour. You maybe getting complaints from the neighbours of the property about the tenant’s behaviour or the people residing in the household. Before proceeding with the eviction, you need to warn the tenant about anti-social behaviours such as loud music or causing distress to neighbours. We would advise having this in writing via letter for future use if the eviction proceeds. No tenant has the right to be unruly within a property and must adhere to keeping music at respectable levels and not being a nuisance in the immediate community. If you find you have such a tenant, we would advise to evict them before other issues arise.

Illegally using the property

Illegally using a property for reasons such as drug operations, are very strong reasons to evict a tenant as quickly as possible. This kind of behaviour isn’t suitable and would impact on your reputation as well as your property in the community due to the type of tenant. Use of a Tenant Eviction service in these cases are essential.

Rental agreement expired

If the original term of rental between the landlord and tenant has expired, the tenant is required to vacate the property unless and new agreement has been put in-place. Some tenants may refuse to leave the property regardless of your wishes to take the property back. Some tenants my require a few days longer to move to a new property and an agreement between a short-term lease may be agreed. However, if the tenant is persistent that they do not wish to move out of the property eviction may be the last resort to get them to move out.

Not sticking to the terms of the rental agreement

If a tenant has failed to stick to the terms of the agreed and signed rental agreement, this maybe grounds to evict your tenant. If the term violation is deemed severe, we would advise to proceed with the eviction procedure at this point.

Tenant eviction is a legal procedure and not only about finding and logical and real reason as to why the tenant must vacate the property as quickly as possible. As a landlord if you stick to the legal procedure you will find that you will have a hassle-free eviction process. If you are unsure or require further advice on this then contact us today.